Friday, May 30, 2008

New pcb: ESPrade - Joker Jun at his finest


Super stoked about his game. I've become somewhat of a Joker Jun nut and his design work for Cave is excellent and very unique, so this one is a hella good addition to my growing stack of pcb's.

This may be the cheapest Cave pcb I've ever seen and I was lucky enough to snag it. Here's the short of it...

I'm on the KLOV forums pretty often and I happened to see a sale post with a bunch of pcb's and right in the middle of the list was ESPrade - for $40 shipped. I couldn't believe it. It couldn't be an actual pcb, probably a cheap copy, but I went ahead and emailed the guy, set up payment and today the board arrived. It's original, all right and it's super fun.

The gameplay is a bit different from other, newer Cave tites and the scoring system is a bit strange, kind of along the lines of Progear, back when Cave was a bit more experiemental with their scoring systems. The art style is fantastic and really draws me into the game, especially some of the stage enemies, which have a Ketsui/DOJ feel, but placed inside a Japanese mall, which is surreal and refresingly original all at the same time, even for a 1998 game.

I have a few credits in and I will be switching back and forth between Futari and this this weekend, setting some scores up to post and better over the comming weeks.

Sometimes life is good.

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